Texto " Buscai primeiro o reino de Deus e a sua justiça e as demais coisas lhes serão acrescentadas

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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012

Ator Denzel Washington revela experiência com o Espírito Santo e hábito de ler a Bíblia diariamente: “Isso é o que tem me abençoado”

O ator Denzel Washington, 57 anos, vencedor do Oscar por duas vezes, declarou em recente entrevista que sua vida mudou após ter recebido o Espírito Santo.
Declaradamente evangélico, Washington afirmou à revista GQ que tem como hábito diário a leitura da Bíblia, e que isso o inspira a fazer a diferença. A entrevista do ator foi concedida durante o intervalo das filmagens de seu novo filme, “2 Guns” (ainda sem título oficial em português), em que contracena com o ator Mark Wahlberg. A entrevista foi reproduzida em parte pelo site Urban Christian News.
-Leio a Bíblia todos os dias, ela é minha palavra diária. Li algo muito legal ontem: “Nós não aspiramos só viver a vida, aspiramos fazer a diferença” – revelou o ator, que ficou conhecido por seus papéis em “Tempo de Glória” e “Dia de Treinamento”, que renderam a ele as estatuetas do Oscar, além de “Um Grito de Liberdade”, “Deja Vu”, “Um Anjo em Minha Vida” e mais recentemente, “O Sequestro do Metrô 123” e “O Livro de Eli”, entre outros, que somam 41 filmes no total.
Denzel Washington contou ainda que sua primeira experiência sobrenatural com a manifestação do Espírito Santo ocorreu há muito tempo atrás: “Foi há trinta anos, na igreja que eu ainda frequento. O pastor estava pregando: ‘Deixa fluir’. Eu disse, ‘vou deixar’, conta o ator, antes de descrever o momento: “Eu tive uma tremenda experiência física e espiritual. O que me assustou é que eu estava com a língua enrolada, chorando, suando. Minhas bochechas pareciam que iam explodir. Foi como uma limpeza. Foi algo muito intenso… Liguei para minha mãe, e ela disse que eu estava sendo cheio do Espírito Santo”.
Considerado um dos mais importantes atores de Hollywood atualmente, Denzel Washington ressaltou a importância da espiritualidade em seu sucesso profissional: “A espiritualidade é importante em todos os aspectos da minha vida. Quero dizer, é por isso que eu estou aqui. Isso é o que tem me abençoado”.
Por Tiago Chagas, para o Gospel

Who says you should never discuss religion and politics?

They're two big topics Denzel Washington, who grew up surrounded by religion as the son of a Pentacostal preacher, touches on in a new interview with GQ. He also talks about his troubled relationship with his father, his thoughts on Whitney Houston's death, and why Mitt Romney seems so uncomfortable all the time.

"I read from the Bible every day, and I read my Daily Word," the actor says in magazine's October issue, when asked if there's a code he currently lives by. He also reveals the memorable spiritual experience he had 30 years ago, at the church he still attends. "The minister was preaching, 'Just let it go.' I said, 'I'm going to go with it.' And I had this tremendous physical and spiritual experience. It did frighten me. I was slobbering, crying, sweating. My cheeks blew up. I was purging. It was too intense. It almost drove me away. I called my mother, and she said I was being filled with the Holy Spirit. I was like, 'Does that mean I can never have wine again?'"

After Washington's parents separated when he was 14, his relationship with his father crumbled. "It was a different time. Once they were separated, I was in school. So 70 percent of the year, I was away. In the summer, I wasn't looking to track him down. I was ready to hit the streets. So you just kind of fade.... Not to say that I didn't love him like a dad. But we didn't play ball, those types of things," Washington shares. When he was 18 he tried living with his dad, but the elder Washington kicked him out, explaining, "You're just bad." He died when Washington began shooting "Malcolm X" in 1991. "I never shed a tear for my father. That sounds like a book or a song. I never did all through the funeral and all that. There was no connection," the dad of four tells GQ.

Another death he recently had to come to terms with was that of Whitney Houston, whom he calls "his girl" but "not talk every month friends."

"That was a monster drug that got ahold of her, it was a mean one. You can't go back to that one. Nobody beats that. I look at people -- and I don't think I'm speaking out of line -- Sam Jackson, I've known for thirty-some-odd years, he was down at the bottom. And he came all the way back. And when he cleaned up, he never looked back. But he can't have that beer, because it might lead to the tough thing." Washington continues: "You know, they made her this thing. She had a voice, obviously, but they packaged her into this whole whatever, but she was really just this humble, sweet girl ... and then the next thing you know, her body was betraying her. She didn't know that her body was aging quickly. She couldn't take it. Your body can only take so much. Some people survive [Hollywood and fame], and some people don't."

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